lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012

UNIT 6: Sixth clue my dear Watson!!


There is and There are are used in English to mean "hay"; the only thing to keep in mind is the following word. We must pay attention to countable nouns, if they are singular nouns we'd use there is, if they are plural nouns there are. For uncountable nouns we would use there is, you will frequently find some and any preceeding the noun. (There is y There are se utilizan en inglés para decir "hay"; lo único a tener en cuenta es la palabra siguiente. Debemos prestar atención a los nombres contables, si son nombres singulares utilizaríamos there is, si son nombres plurales there are. Para nombres incontables usaríamos there is, a menudo encontraréis some y any precediendo al nombre).

There was and There were are used for the past to mean "había" or "hubo". The grammatical rules are the same. Now let' practise there was and there were. (There was y there were se utilizan en el pasado para decir "había" o "hubo". Las reglas gramaticales son las mismas. Ahora practiquemos there was y there were)

The Present Continuous Tense makes reference to an action taking place at the same time the speaker's voice is being heard or in a nearby moment. The action is seen as uncompleted and with a subtle nuance of duration. Sometimes it can be translated as estar + gerundio. (ando/endo). (El Presente continuo hace referencia a una acción que tiene lugar en el mismo momento que se oye la voz del hablante o en un momento cercano. La acción se ve como incompleta y con un matiz de duración. A veces se puede traducir como estar + gerundio(ando/endo). )

Present Continuous or Present Simple practice.

City and neighbourhood
is a very important topic to work on. Once you arrive in a new city there are plenty of things, places and buildings to see. We'd better know what they are called. This power point presentation will help you to remember some places and buildings. (La ciudad y el vencindario es un tema importante en el que trabajar. Una vez que llegas a una nueva ciudad hay muchas cosas, lugares y edificios que ver. Sería mejor que supiéramos como se llaman. Este power point os ayudará a recordar algunos lugares y edificios).

What you find in a house is quite important too. There are many objects, rooms and pieces of furniture to learn. Let's see some words to remember and practice! (Lo que encuentras en una casa también es importante. Hay muchos objetos, habitaciones, muebles que aprender. Veamos algunas palabras para recordar y practicar).


Pronunciation practice
Minimal pairs practice
Listening practice 1 (for present continuous)
Listening practice 2 (for house and city)
Listening practice 3 (for present continuous) listen and do the exercises.
Listening practice 4 general
Listening practice 5 (for present continuous) listen and do the tasks.